Internet: ROUND TWO!

May 1, 2008

Fight! No, I won’t make you and the internet fight. It would murder you. Have you seen some of this stuff? Anyway, since my first post about the internet went over well, and people didn’t get really mad at me… I’ve decided to bring it back for round two. Why stop at just making the internet a state? It could be a country! You could even have wars there! WITH NO CASUALTIES! It would be better that way, and then we would also have different game modes to play on! Tired of team deathmatch? Team CTF! Yay for all. However, there are certain things on the internet that would have to be banned. I think you can figure out what I mean. And they would have to establish a government for the People’s Republic of the Internet. So, I recommend a monarchy. I’ll be monarch, if that’s okay with you peons. Just kidding. People can do anything they want on the internet, so a democracy it shall be. And their would need to be some form of building for the leader. May I recommend we put a second home type icon in all web browsers? Click on it, poof. Instantly go to the place of the leader. And for prisons? Make everyone login after opening their internet browser, and if they have been doing something bad, stick them in lockdown. Just a blank page, saying “You are in InterPrison.” Where would this republic be, though? We already have the Internet state in the Bermuda Triangle, so I recommend Antarctica. No one lives there anyway, and this way, we wouldn’t have to worry about servers overheating! And for anything else we need, there’s coders out there. We can hire them! Don’t worry, they will be the best citizens of the Internet, so they’ll do it as community service. So, ready to form this Republic. I am too. Who wants to help!

For your knowledge, I’ve been having trouble thinking of good topics to do things like these on. If you’d like me to do one on something, then send that idea to me, however you feel like.


April 13, 2008

Those initials stand for someone. A very important someone. Sort of. Everyone (almost. You’ll get there, don’t worry) hates him, and he isn’t doing his job too well. Either way, with the Internet becoming huge, i say we make it a STATE. But, there isn’t really a place on the globe for it. I’ve got that covered too.location of Internet

It’s the Bermuda Triangle. We should just say the Internet is there! Not really any other place for it, and it’ll just be like Alaska or Hawaii. Anyway, we’re not even sure what’s there. It could just be a giant server farm! PERFECT for the Internet. Soon, The Great State of Internet. That way, all the Communists will be FORCED to show their online activities, and we’ll see just how good for the U.N. they are! So, edit your flag desktop background, and edit your maps, we’ve got 51 states.

[For the non-internet savvy individuals, a server farm is like a web hosting place, its what holds the web site so you can visit it. No, the website isn’t just THERE.]

Idiocy on the Internet

January 16, 2008

Has no one else noticed that idiots are everywhere on the internet? Typing “U” instead of “You” DOESN’T SAVE MORE THAN A SECOND! Take the time to learn the language you’re butchering. Also, you can’t be “1337” unless you ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO DO SOMETHING WITH COMPUTERS! Installing and running crap doesn’t count. In MMOs, saying “cc plz” is just idiotic, and unless the other person is also and idiot, (unfortunately, there are too many of them) they’re not going to do crap. xkcd has the right idea, as well as stupidfilter. They are writing programs to block these idiots in front of keyboards from befouling our precious space, that we know as the Internet. It’s not there just to say “lol” and have that be your ENTIRE library of forum posts. People don’t need to know you laughed. If you really want them to know, comment it. Don’t waste the space with a whole post. Keep it RELEVANT! People on a thread about Douglas Adams don’t want to know about Monty Python. Also, take the time to actually think of a NAME! Don’t use random letters. Don’t use random numbers. Don’t tack numbers onto a taken name to make it yours. Being “someone1876” isn’t cool. TAKE THE TIME TO CREATE ORIGINAL NAMES! Here’s more of it. If you feel like being stupid on the internet, don’t go around and screw up Wikipedia. Most of that is right. Idiots screw it up and say George Washington blew up Iran with a nuke. People with no minds also decide to go and repeat ANYTHING they think is funny. SAYING THE SAME QUOTE FROM FAMILY GUY FIVE MILLION TIMES ISN’T FUNNY! I mean, really! It’s funny the first few times, but twenty more? Not necessary. And as a general rule of thumb, people saying they are l33t, (or 1337 as earlier in the post) aren’t. People who take games like WoW seriously, are also idiots. It’s a GAME. It doesn’t deserve a shrine. Sure, maybe your night elf just got level 70. No one really cares outside of the game. Spend your time on something else, like modding your computer. Make it even better than it needs to be. Seriously. More rants later. I think. Most likely, there will be. And hopefully they will be better than this one. If not, I’m doing something wrong. (first post over 400 words!)