Over 100!

February 20, 2008

Ah… yay. I was going to write something, and I was going to make it longer than usual, but unfortunately I forgot… So, for today, you’ll have to settle with my reason on why Howie Mandel can’t give away a million dollars. It’s obviously because of his temporal warp. Maybe I just really like conspiracies, which I do, and might change OTT to Conspiracy day, but I think that if he’d just turn that off, he’d give away lots of millions, and lose whatever network he’s on LOTS of money. So, just because I can have a conspiracy up here right now, I say that the oil companies have a huge amount of renewable fuel available to them, but refuse to use it on account of all the money they’re making. I also think that they have agreed to raise their prices to make even more money. Seriously, think about this. If the oil companies keep raising gas prices and we don’t have a renewable fuel yet, soon everyone will not be able to go anywhere, and will have to use bikes and skateboards and things like that! Maybe that would solve America’s obesity problem, but I don’t think that it would be good… Anyway, does anyone even know which Republican won the primary? I don’t even know who ran!